“More than 4,270 people die every day due to unintentional exposure to chemicals”
Headed by The First Knight of Safety and Founder of The International Association for Chemical Safety™, Dale Allen, the One Billion People Protected Campaign™ is creating heroes out of each and every person through the development of free tools and resources that break the barriers that prevent people from achieving and maintaining critical safety protocols.
We help you protect yourself, your team, your business, your family, so that you can help Protect One Billion People.

Free Online COSHH Training With The New COSHH
Risk Assessor Certification™
COSHH is about creating a COSHH assessment that controls risk in any given task that can then be used to adequately train the operator to carry out that task safely.
Aiming to protect a billion people, and then the world
The Knights of Safety™ is for those involved in maintaining safety in their job on a daily basis. For both safety and non-safety professionals alike, as a TKOS member, you will be recognised for the excellent standard of safety you deliver in whatever industry you work within.
From promoting safety at home and at work, to providing innovative safety education, to developing new technology to revolutionize safety compliance, TKOS continues in its quest of keeping the world safe.
"I strongly believe that health and safety is the responsibility of every single employer in every single employee's home. I have made myself a promise to ensure that the public is provided with the necessary knowledge and tools to make you safer."
- Dale Allen, The First Knight of Safety
When he was four years old, there was a television broadcast telling the world that over 3,000 had died in Bhopal, India due to the world's largest chemical safety incident. Little did he know that his life would be invested in the safety of others.